
Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Worship...

First things first, a public service announcement:

theDING wishes it to be made known that the current changes to the site are not permanent! This is just a "happy stopping place" on the road to an eventual overhaul. I do not envision myself learning enough HTML to completely author my own website in the near future, but I can figure out enough of the cryptic language to mess with the colors and such (as you can see).

However, my vision includes a title bar that includes a lighthouse (red & white in color) or a cathedral or old Gothic/Gregorian chapel of some sort. I'd like a background that is light bluish or even textured (sand if it is the lighthouse, or some kind of textured green if I find the cathedral).

If anyone can help me realize my blogging dreams without having to register for a gazillion blog services, please let me know (leave a comment so I have a hard copy). Thank you.

Now back to reality...

Today's anecdote is nothing deep and philosophical, but for just plain fun. Enjoy.

I was walking to church the other day and I was feeling kind of antsy. So, I was on the sidewalk and I came to this pine tree that had low-hanging branches loaded down with snow. As I got closer to the tree, I steeled myself to duck...then I said to myself, "Why just duck? Why not duck with style?"

With the paraphrase of that famous quote from Disney's Toy Story wafting through my head, I prepared to meet the evil tree branches head-on. The confrontation was inevitable; it was going to either be me or the tree...one of us was going to lose.

I juked,
I ducked,
I sidestepped,
I even did a twist and "bullet time" impression...

All things that would make the trainer in The Count of Monte Cristo proud.

I emerged on the other side of the branches victorious (fully aware, but not caring that had anyone watched me do that, they would think I was nuts). I was about to raise my arms in victory, when I realized that I had not fully passed all the branches. There was one branch, fully loaded, just above eye level and closing in on my face rather fast.

Then it hit me...the branch, that is.

Yes, I got snow in my hair, down my back and the people that I walked up to next asked me if it was snowing in my part of the city (city? Eston? Hah!).

Tree 1, theDING 0.

I get my revenge on the way home tonight...


At January 24, 2006, Blogger doxasky said...

May you master the skills required for defeating this foe!

At January 26, 2006, Blogger K said...

you are so funny


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