

On Thursday, plans were hatched, smashed and new lines, both fuzzy and blurry, were drawn.

No, it was not "modern art" day at school.

Draft day took place on Thursday and things are looking up for the ECFHA. The league's teams have definitely undergone some evolution and the second half of the season should have all the smash-mouth action, YMCA antics and cult following that the first one proved to engender. Unfortunately, due to the fact that a large portion of the fans we had last season enrolled in the draft, attendance at games will be down slightly. However, the new influx of players may cause new people to show up at the games.

However, this old ref has definitely seen better days.

Making sure that he still had the skills to play the time-honored game, theDING went out to play on the tile at the gym and forgot to stretch. After two and a half hours of late-night intense competition, there is definite soreness in the old bones and muscles.

Despite the fact that the first levy of games for the second half of the season takes place in 29.5 hours, I am highly unmotivated to participate in my usual duties due to the irritations that I am feeling.

So tonight, I am looking at every remedy possible.

Because very soon, game time will hit.


At January 23, 2006, Blogger rachel elizabeth said...

I like the new changes to your page! It has a nice "clean" look, its sharp...
catch ya around.

At January 24, 2006, Blogger doxasky said...

I think the background you may be looking for is:
#main img {border: solid 1px #E3E4E4; padding: 2px; background: #fff;}
if you can find it on your template.


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