
For Whom the Bell Tolls...

All right, so this is my first blog entry in a long time...but that's OK, you're all still alive and kicking so at least we've still got that much in common.

Incidentally, this is also my first blog entry of the new year. And being that this is such a momentous occassion, that is what I am going to talk about...

As a Canadian society (and much of the western world...and eastern, so maybe it's more of a human thing instead of a society thing) we enjoy the celebration of a phenomenon that we call New Year's Day.

And every year, without fail, I wonder what all the fuss really is about. I mean every year (actually every day, but no one seems to notice), the clock switches over from 11:59:59 to 12:00:00. Except at this one point in the Gregorian solar calendar, everyone goes nuts; kissing each other, throwing things in the air, watching a big shiny ball descend into a large sign that boldy states the number of new year (and whatever sponsors managed to dole out the billions to put their name on the sign for their 15 seconds of fame).


New Year's is such a wierd time of existence. I cannot really explain the whole "going nuts" thing at New Year's. I mean really, it happened this year and it's bound to happen again if you manage to survive the 31,536,000 seconds between now and then. I mean, there are a lot of other things that happen once a year that are just as insignificant that don't get nearly as much press. Like December 7 is national candy floss day. So what?

I mean the clock goes tick, tick, tick and...Boom! There's another year down the toilet. I'll give you the fact that it's a transitional moment, but seriously. Do people actually enjoy the fact that its another year? Or is it another moment in time to look at profits, evading taxes, a time to get smashed or a chance to forget about all the mistakes that they have made and hope that everyone else forgot them too?

And don't get me started about New Year's resolutions... I mean they are often the most vague, quantitatiely undefineable, easily dropped promises that they make ever. I mean if you want to lose weight, quit smoking, be nicer to people or start having regular devotions, integrate it into your lifestyle and maybe, just maybe, if it isn't integrated into the fluff and insincerity that is often present at this time of the year, you might actually succeed!

Now I know that New Year's has often been a point in time where people have actually changed (for better or for worse) and if you are one of those people, good for you. Honestly, I am just commenting on the fluff and broo-hah-hah, surrounding it; I don't hate the people.

I honestly just don't get it...

Now it's your turn to comment and prove me wrong...


At January 03, 2006, Blogger doxasky said...

I agree(d) with what you posted, but I figured there must be a reason behind all that happens for it so I decided to turn to the informative Google to see what it says. I ended up here:


I was/am amazed by the complex history of this "celebration".


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