
Marriage is What Brings Us Together Today...


I am not getting married! Put it out of your mind right now...out! Out, I say! I would have posted things on here to that affect long before I sprang it upon you, my faithful readers.

Instead, I am today reflecting on the 15-minute teaching session that I just finished (actually, I just finished lunch, to be technical). It was on the subject of Levirate Marriage; so that I don't have to have this degnerate into an online teaching session...read the book of Ruth. What happens with Ruth and Boaz is called Levirate marriage. It's that simple. I merely was in charge of reiterating the culture surrounding the practice.

I enjoyed teaching, as I always do and I was nervous, as I always am. Interestingly enough, my nervousness came not from my lack of intimate knowledge on the subject (I had gone as far as trying to figure out questions that I could be asked in class as I prepared for this), nor did it come from nervousness about being in the class. No, my nervousness came from the method that I was using - a combination of overheads and writing, which worked out fine (as most of my worries do).

So, not much happened this time around. I apologize if you were looking to read another one of my misadventures...life just moved on this time. Sorry.

I will be thankful for that though, it's a little thing that has kept me sane today.


At October 26, 2005, Blogger doxasky said...

glad it went well


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