

I have been back here in Eston for all of about 10 minutes and I have a need to just sit down and type out my thoughts and reactions to what the weekend transpired for me. I don't think that it will be awfully profound (but who knows...), but this is a place where I, theDING, have chosen to hang my hat online.

But first, a public service announcement...

theDING wishes for all those that make religious rounds of the FGBC "blog circuit" to know that as the name of the blog suggests, that this blog will be updated anomalously (in short, when I feel like it...). I don't want to scare y'all away, I'm just warning you straight up so that you all know this ahead of time. Continue to make yer rounds and stop by, because you never know when an update will hit.


All right, back to reality...

Life has been kind of crazy over the last couple of weeks and I have been looking forward to this weekend, possibly leaving and never coming back to the craziness that the town of Eston has turned into for me. (Ok, so I'm not too serious about that, but things have been rather draining as of late)

However, I spent the entire weekend encapsulated with a family that loves me, spending some time with some friends that I have not seen for a very long time and realizing that life isn't nearly as bad as I have made it out to be. For that, I am extremely grateful. I now have peace in my soul about the situation at home, more peace about how things stand between my family and I (they love me!) and a sense of determination that, even though I did no homework all weekend, that with discipline and God's help, I will pull through.

I think that this thanksgiving was a time where I could truly give thanks for all that God has done for me. I see this weekend as a carefully engineered time where I could just rest on him and rediscover his love for me.

It was a rest that was definitely needed...

(Told you it wasn't going to be that profound...)


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