
Epiphanies and Other Problems

Epiphanies can be funny things...those sudden reailzations of truth (bad truth, bad!).
Sometimes epiphanies can be really uplifting moments when you come to grips with your creator and realize "Hey, this is how God loves me!" or "Hey, forgiveness looks like this!" (Which are both epiphanies that I have had in the last week and a half.)
Sometimes epiphanies are more irritating, like the time when, during the Philco Wars of last year (which Philco Frat House got hugely beaten in), we said, "Hey our toilet seats are missing!"
Why is it that truth can be so varied and still be true? Or, should I just be taking a more optimistic view on life?

Maybe, I should just follow my own advice sometimes...

Live life,
Love God,
Let everything else fall into place.


At October 20, 2005, Blogger rachel elizabeth said...

nice new layout....

At October 21, 2005, Blogger doxasky said...

I wanted to comment, but I didn't know what to say, so...HI!

At October 21, 2005, Blogger doxasky said...

OK, I thought of something now:
If you can live life to the fullest and love God with all you are and have, things will not necessarily just "fall into place". But I suppose that depends on how you are looking at it. If living life and loving God includes all the decisions you have to make, then yes, I suppose everything will "fall into place".

Ooh! Look at me trying to be all reflective and stuff! :P


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