
E Equals mc Squared

E=mc squared when:

E is epiphany
m is memory
c is the Holy Spirit

More on that later...

Public Service Announcement

theDING would like it to be widely known that, due to the abysmal play of the Calgary Stampeders (and the even more abysmal reffing that went on during the fourth quarter) during the Western Semi-final in the CFL, the Stampeders lost said matchup. Due to the elimination of theDING's favorite football team from the postseason, he has temporarily switched football alliegances to line up with the British Columbia Lions. theDING hopes that the Lions will send the Edmoton Eskimos into utter defeat so that he will be able to assume neutral status in the remainder of the postseason.

Thank you.

Meanwhile, Back at the Ranch...

I was walking to the dungeon from the aformentioned stunning defeat realizing that I had not posted a blog entry for some time. I had already made plans to write one earlier on in the day and had chosen a topic. I then proceeded to change my mind later on in the day. As I walked, a frustrated youth off to catch up on some much needed work, I realized that I could not remember either topic that I had previously thought of.

Then I realized how sad that was; emotions and ideas lost forever, trapped in the recesses of time, space and the back of my mind. My mind just seems to move too quickly, turning over one idea and checking another.

That's when I came up with today's equation.

You see, epiphanies (sudden realizations of truth) are really only beneficial if you actually remember them and then allow them to change your life and actions. That is why E=m.

However, I believe that because I am saved, I have the mind of Christ and a lot of these things that I think of are inspired by the Holy Spirit. I know that sounds really high and mighty, but if you stop and think about it, we as Christians have the joyous opportunity of hearing God's voice. I think that God speaks to us through many different avenues, one of them being our very own thoughts. In fact, the good thoughts that I have do come from him, because on my own I am nothing. It is so true that every good and perfect gift comes from heaven.

That is why c in my equation equals the Holy Spirit. You see in the original equation, c equals the speed of light. However, the last time that I checked, the phrase "speed of light" does not begin with a c. What does begin with a c is the Latin word celeritas, which means "speed". This is why the equation has stood for so long and scientists haven't replaced it with l for light or something like that. In the same way, the Holy Spirit sends things through my brain, which functions off of electrical impulses which are very fast...I figure, "Why not?" It's even squared, showing how much more of the Holy Spirit is involved and not my memory alone.

So, I've decided to undergo a little exercise to preserve these thoughts and ideas; we'll see if it works.

As you all may know, I enjoy encapsulating a lot of depth and emotion in my titles for my blog entries. To me, they are literary works of art, taking time and careful worded consideration. Often, I do the same thing when I am thinking. So, for the next week, I am going to carry around a pen and a small notebook. That way, when I get an idea that reaches the title stage (which means that it has been rather well-developed), I am going to write it down, along with a brief explanation (one or two sentences). At the end of the day, I am going to take the list and write about one of them. They will likely not end up in this blog...but who knows. Odds are, this will not be a regular, everyday thing that I am going to do beyond this week, but my hope is that I will train myself to write a bit more often as it is something that I feel at peace doing and somewhat enjoy as well.

7 days...hope to write here before then...


At November 14, 2005, Blogger Coralou said...

Lately I've been seeing E=mc2 everywhere, and I couldn't remember for the life of me what the 'c' stood for! Thanks for telling me.
It was just yesterday (or maybe the day before) I realized I should start carrying a small notepad and a pen around with me to write down things that pop into my head.
Anywho, I wish you success.

At November 14, 2005, Blogger doxasky said...

good luck to you my friend.


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