

No, I'm not going to make a joke about the bathroom...

But first, a public service announcement:

theDING wishes to voice his extreme displeasure at the fact that the Eskimos of Edmonton are once again Grey Cup champions. He also hopes that this does not ruin Danny Maciocia as a head coach. A rookie winning the Grey Cup can be dangerous because they all of a sudden have very high expectations placed on them. He is a decent coach, but I think that a lot of it has to do with being in the right place with the right team at the right time. I do not want to see him shuffled off because he can't repeat right away. Otherwise, theDING wishes it to be known that he thought that the game was decent and the half-time show was absolutely horrible.

In this particular case, PPU stands for Peace that Passes Understanding. Today has been an unusual day for me. I have felt at peace for that parts of the day that have transpired so far. It has been absolutely unreal. I have come to the conclusion that either I have completely and utterly burned out and no longer care about anything, or I have been given a large dose of peace and joy from God.

It's nice...

Here's a case in point:

This morning I woke up and totally realized that I had about 30 minutes to get to the school (which is totally par for the course). 10 minutes walk to the school automatically is removed from the figure, leaving me 20 minutes to prep for the day. After settling on some clothes and doing the usual hair thing and such, I looked for the implements of life at school. I could not find anything! My watch, keys, wallet all went through careful search processes. So after resigning myself to going watchless for the day, I dumped some marking stuff into my backpack and went off to the college.

As I left, I realized that I put the assignment marking sheets into my backpack, but not the assignments themselves. I also forgot my mug. And my binder (thankfully, that was at the school). And library books I needed for a paper. But I wasn't nearly as stressed out or frustrated over that as much as I normally would be, I just said "Hey, it will all work out."

In class I realized that I also spent the weekend doing a lot of catching up with friends that I have neglected for the last bit because of stress over teaching and assignments. It was well needed and I consider to be time well spent with awesome people. Unfortunately, I didn't get too much work done and I usually am totally thinking about that all morning. Again, I just said, "Hey, it will all work out." Then I proceeded to make a viable plan that means that I won't have as much time to have breaks, but enough to live on.

This feeling has been just amazing. I am so thankful for a God who loves me like this...


At November 28, 2005, Blogger doxasky said...

PPU is definitely a good thing. I have had it for much of my life. I am glad that you have been able to experience it for yourself.
Spending time with good friends is also important. This is something I have always know, but have had some difficulties with as of late. I am excited for my paper to be finished so I can get on top of that again.


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