
The Relentless Pursuit of Sleep Continues...

Just an update on the status of the discussion on sleep.

First of all, I would like to say thanks to everyone who has posted comments thus far. It has been probably the most interesting set of comments that I have ever had on any one of my entries. It's neat to know that people out there are reading what I am saying.

But I also acknowledge with that, there is great responsibility and this has probably been the greatest reminder of that so far. There is definitely power in the written (or typed) word.

Secondly, I also acknowledge the fact that I am still a student that is away from it all in the middle of nowhere. Some people have affectionately called this place "the bubble" and maybe the ideas behind practical Christian living is where the bubble is "thicker" than it is in other areas.

However, it doesn't have to stay that way.

Finally, the idea that I have posted here is not something that is "cool" at the college or me trying to make a statement. It was merely an idea/inspiration that I had and I decided that I wanted to run with it. Sure, it may seem like a silly discussion, but discussion is where some really amazing ideas (and their applications) come from. Since we all sleep, it has become one of those subconcsious parts of our culture.

For some examples of this, take a look at these links.

Sleep: An Evidence of Divine Design
"Sleep Therapy"
Take a Nap

If you guys think that I'm off my rocker, then so be it. If it is an open and shut case, that's fine too. I just thought that I'd reach out to the community and see what we can dig up. And digging we have done. Some great suggestions/ideas/rabbit trails have come out of this (if you haven't checked the comments on my last post in a while, I highly suggest it).

I think that we might be going somewhere with this, so bear with me and if all this does fall flat or the conversation stops...then we'll switch topics.

Thanks for being there.

(P.S. Post new comments on sleep as well as your responses to this post, as it is the most visible.)


At March 23, 2006, Blogger theDING said...

Just a word of advice, if you'd like to join the discussion on sleep and have not read the previous posts and all the new comments with it, I strongly encourage you to do so before posting here.

Thank you.

At March 24, 2006, Blogger rachel elizabeth said...

Here are peices of my thoughts on the subject.

While I believe that - yes discussing or thinking about where we as ones who walk with Jesus stand on issues such as sleep might seem mundane and not worth thinking or disucussing about in light of all that people deal with - I think what it (the issue of sleep) ties in with is a much larger topic that I believe demands our attention...


We have been given our physical bodies, and this culture tells us that our bodies are worthless and not worth looking after, they don't matter.
They give us every excuse to treat ourselves like crap and I believe that sleep ties in. We have adopted this attitude that we don't have to look after ourselves, that is ok to be excessive and gluttonus with things, this has affected how we view sleep.
Some think they don't need sleep, while others use it as a means of escape - a way to numb all that is going on them.

I do agree with previous comments that we need to let our ideas and theologies become practicle outworkings, they do affect how we live and therefore have an effect on people around us. I think there is great value about spending sometime thinking about things such as sleep, because it refelcts that you are thinking about stewardship and taking care of what has been given to you.

sorry for the novel folks...
hope it made sense...

At March 24, 2006, Blogger Scott said...

I read through all of the comments in this conversation. We need to be constructive rather than deconstructive. If the question of sleep is lower on the priority list...it is still on the list and worth talking about. The other topics that were suggested as more important will no doubt be topics that The Ding will ring. I am looking forward to it.

On a personal note... For someone who is outside of the 20 something bubble and in the land of late nights with fevers, dirty diapers, and a pending thesis massacre, sleep is close to number one on the list of things that I struggle with. When ya'll get there you will have conversations with people about sleep medication, caffeine, anger from sleep depravity, the voice of the Holy Spirit in dreams, and the effect of sleep deprivation over a period of years and how that affects one's personality.

Ding, keep on ringing your bells and one day you may slay the giant. Ding...Dong...the witch is dead!

At March 24, 2006, Blogger Greg Roberts said...

Sleep, seems I never get enough. Although I find it interesting that were built for it. We can have too much or too little. It is necessary, kinda like breathing. We can't live without it. And it is essential for our physical and I would sudggest our spiritual health. Sleep I need to get enough.


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