
Here Comes The Boom...

theDING would just like to make it known that he is Canadian and that he believes that there is hope for the Canadian men's hockey team to repeat as the gold medalists, even though we were shut out by Switzerland earlier this morning. Further more, I am also glad that we are near the top in the medal rankings. I mean, when your country is covered in snow 11 out of the 12 months of the year (gross exaggeration), you should be rocking the free world with your prowess. So, in the spirit of being crazy, I'm glad that we can win medals in events that require you to slide at upwards of 110 km/h on a cookie sheet (also known as a skeleton sled). Any kid in Canada could do that and I'm glad we're finally getting international recognition for our quirky talents.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch...

Life around here lately has left most people acting like they're several fries short of a happy meal. Schedules around here are conflicting; some people have a gazillion assignments now, while others have a gazillion assignments afterwards. Fortunately, most people can say that the biggest turning point in the semester will be the Encounter weekend that is coming. There's something to be said for having a point in time that the entrie community can look forward to and say, "That is when things are definitely going to change."

Oh, the power of a weekend where people pull together to execute a task that would be insurmountable for a single person to undertake. Not only does Encounter weekend allow us as a community to do things such as promote the school, challenge teenagers and twenty-somethings and share the gospel with others, but it also serves as a marker of time within our temporal realm. Currently, there are two weeks left until the wekeend hits and the tension that arises as a result of that immanence is extremely overwhelming.

You know what else is overwhelming?

Teaching a class by yourself in the footprints (not footsteps, I'm not replacing her) of someone that you deeply admire and respect.

That is overwhelming!

However, I have been told that I am "doing fine" with the whole teaching racket and while half the time I think that the people are doing this to make me feel better, the other half of the time I am starting to believe them. (I know, I know...I guess I am just full of myself.)

But, there was one even that happened to me the other day that confirmed what everyone else was saying...that I really am doing "fine".

I was teaching and I heard a large drum solo coming from the direction of the chapel. People know that they are not supposed to be playing during class, but I figured that I would tolerate them and shut the door in that direction. All of a sudden, the class started to laugh and I looked back at the door that I had just closed. In the door's window, I saw two students headbanging in the window. Then, one of them opened the door and started singing (accompanied by his acoustic guitar) the song "Boom" by P.O.D., changed to reflect the content of the class that I was teaching.

Everyone got a good laugh out of it and I did as well.

I am glad that they did that in a way. In some small manner, the fact that they thought that I was capable of handling an unplanned disturbance like that shows that they had confidence in my teaching abilities.

And we got it all on tape...


At February 21, 2006, Blogger doxasky said...

Perhaps the fact that people comment positively on your teaching even when you're not around should be an indication that people are not just saying it to make you feel better.

At February 21, 2006, Blogger theDING said...

*recovers from comment*

Thanks doxasky, I sit firmly chastized, corrected and even a bit sheepish. I wasn't discounting your encouragement, just recognizing one that's a bit over the top.

At February 21, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As the main disturber of theDING I would like to say that it is one of the first times I have ever held attention in class for more than 35 seconds. Shawn, you are a good teacher and I wish that I had put in less effort last year so I could be in more classes that you may potentially teach.

"And you got it all on tape..."

Ben and I have an excuse, but Chris is on his own....


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